
Accredited By NAAC With "A+" Grade

Affiliated to Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati

Peer Team Visit

Women Empowerment Cell



 “I will always consciously value and protect my dignity and self respect
I will not tolerate any physical or mental abuse
I will remain committed to the elimination of violence against women”

       Every citizen of the country, male and female, enjoys the right to education and employment in an environment of safety and security. The Constitution of India provides for "Gender Equality" and the "Right to life and liberty" to all persons under Articles 14, 19 and 21.It is thus the duty and mandate of every organization to provide maintenance of the fundamental rights to live and work with dignity for all employees: male and female. At the same time, persons sometimes face violations of their fundamental rights. This necessitates the establishment of safeguards to provide gender equality. Due to the historical reasons, working women often face difficulties and challenges at the work place, thereby necessitating the need for protective measures that safeguard women’s rights and safety. The Women Empowerment cell, Govt Degree College, Nagari was established to address the practical issues related to the welfare of and equal opportunities for Women faculty members, staff and students.

Mission Statement:

The Women Empowerment cell, Govt Degree College, Nagari,strives to improve the quality of life of women through transfer of knowledge and technology and to make the women empowered economically, socially, culturally and politically in order to make the fullest use of their potential to the growth of the nation.


 To create awareness of the Women’s Right and to empower Women.


  • Identification of strong leader ship and change makers and building their capacity.
  • To promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
  • The provision of opportunities and programs for female gender to be financially, mentally and emotionally empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.
  • To make them aware about the guidelines of Supreme Court and to ensure that sexual harassment is treated as an unacceptable social behaviour within the institution and the society.
  • To involve students of Govt Degree College, Nagari ,to interact with rural and urban women who lack formal education and identify projects suitable for up gradation using technology
  • To conduct seminars, workshops to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available and train the women.
  • To help the self help group women to get financial support by identifying the sources.
  • To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among young girls, scientists at the earliest so that they can be “job givers” rather than “job takers”

           According to the sexual harassment of women at workplace: (Prevention, Prohibition and redressal) Act 2013, no women can be subjected to sexual harassment at the workplace in the form of unwelcome sexual conduct.
1. Harassment:
a. Wide range of behavior that is repetitive and intentional and that is offensive and can cause extreme mental anguish and frustration which is not gender specific.
b. Persistent and unwanted sexual advances from the opposite sex fellow student or teacher like sexually colored remarks, showing pornography or a demand / request for sexual favors. 

c. Un welcomed advances, words, deeds, symbols, actions and gestures that make the target uncomfortable.
2. Assault:
 a. Violence, forcing an unwilling person to engage in or suggest behavior involving the genitals or breasts, grabbing or improper touching over clothes.
b. Involuntary sexual act in which the person is threatened or forced to do something without once consent.
c. Includes rape, inappropriate touching, groping, forced kissing or torture of the victim in a sexual manner.
3. Misconduct:
A legal term which can be sexual misconduct and official misconduct;
a .Language or actions such as ragging, bullying, using bad language etc.
b. Sexual misconduct could be between teacher and student, staff and student or student and student, which is unacceptable at all times.
c. Sexual misconduct is unethical and deserves preventive action
what to do if you are being harassed?

 Person who has been victims of emotional/sexual harassment may approach the members of the Women empowerment cell either in person /email/phone to discuss their concerns.
Who can approach the cell?
   Any woman employee academic/ non-academic (including contractual, casual and temporary) and female student of Govt Degree College, Nagari

Service provided:
1. Counselling services will be available for resident and non - resident students
2.Legal action against genuine complaints.
3. Suitable Mechanism for individual complaints

Women empowerment cell constitution:

1. Dr.A.Indirapriayadarsini Lecturer in Botany Coordinator
2.  Dr. G.Swathi Lecturer in Zoology Member
3.  Dr.M.Pankaja Lecturer in Englsih Member
4 Dr.P.Maheswari  Lecturer In Statistics Member
5.  Dr.C.Chinnapapamma Lecturer in  Telugu Member

2023-24  Action plan

  • Sensitization Programme for All Girl Students
  • Orientation Programme to I st Year Students
  • Rally on environmental awareness by the girl students of the college
  • National Girl Child Day celebrations
  • Women’s day celebrations
  • International Yoga Day celebrations
  • AKAM Celebrations1
  • AKAM Celebrations 2

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