
Accredited By NAAC With "A+" Grade

Affiliated to Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati

Peer Team Visit

Consumer Club

Consumer Club was started with the aim to bring awareness among the rural folk the rights of the consumer and the protecting machinery available for the unorganized consumerism. Consumer Club of our college is established for the purpose of spreading the awareness about consumer rights amongst all consumer segments and to help consumers get justice when affected. To enable students understand fundamental rights of citizen and make them realize and learn the fundamental duties of a good citizen. As a member of the Citizen Consumer Club, students can make them able to collectively involve them whole heartedly to help citizen consumers in upholding their rights and fundamental rights. They can stay together to be responsible and dutiful and remind citizen consumers of their responsibilities and duties. Awareness, Alertness and Action shall be the motto in creating the enlightened consumer’s society necessary to rediscover India’s greatness. They can inculcate the meritorious qualities and strive hard to live as responsible and dutiful citizens.

The objectives of the Consumer Club are:
1. To bring awareness and realization among students about their duties and responsibilities as Citizens of India and to educate students about rights of the consumers as provided in consumer protection Act, 1986.

2.  To enable children, students and self help groups to work together as a team with local communities and develop in to caring, responsible and honest citizens.
3. Mobilize and instill right-consciousness, confidence to question violations of citizen and consumer rights and fight for justice.

4. Impart knowledge about real life situations and to enable to development of skills to handle citizen and consumer issues.

5. Instill concern for environment around us as citizens and consumers and sustainable consumption habits.

Focus of Consumer Club:

  • To enable students understand fundamental rights of a citizen.
  • To enable students realize and learn the fundamental duties of a good citizen.
  • To develop a sense of awareness among youth.
  • To impart knowledge on product standards, product quality and about markets.
  • To learn about sustainable consumption norms and implement them in real life.
  • To assist the youth in making informed purchase decision as individual.
  • To build a base of enlightened citizen customers as the foundation of future India.

Activities: Click here