
Accredited By NAAC With "A+" Grade

Affiliated to Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati

Peer Team Visit


Botany is the study of plants. Since the numerous species in the plant Kingdom have characteristics that make them distinct from any other form of life, mankind has found plants to be particularly interesting subjects for the study of evolution and physiology.
Department of Botany
The Government Degree College Nagari, Chittoor district was established in the year 1978-79. The built-up area of the Department is 2000 Sq.ft. Sri.A. Subbaiah was the head of the department at the time of inception. The Department complies with the syllabus framed by Sri Venkateswara University authorities.
• To impart quality based science education and maintain academic standards to achieve Global competence.
• Promotion of scientific culture inculcation of scientific temper, scientific spirit, scientific thinking, scientific approach and Exploration of knowledge in modern taxonomy.
• To Foster creativity and innovation that leads to the prosperity through social responsibility.
• To provide conceptual knowledge of subject with the application and its day-to-day relevance.
• Emerging the understanding of the subject through multimedia ICT, OHP, LCD, bio visual charts, etc.
• To motivate and inspire the students into higher studies.
Curricular aspects
• The students will be taught the basics of plant Biology in this course.
• The course will begin with the microbial diversity, evolution, Cryptogams and plant anatomy.
• In the subsequent year, the students will be taught plant taxonomy, Embryology, Plant physiology and metabolism.
• In the final year the students study cell biology, Genetics and plant breeding, plant ecology, Phytogeography, Nursery, gardening, floriculture, Plant diversity and human welfare, Ethno botany, Medicinal botany, Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry.
• This course will prepare them for further study in the fields of Botany.
Name                   : Dr.A. Indira Priyadarsini
Qualification       : M.Sc.,M.A,, NET,Ph.D
Designation         : Lecturer In-charge

Name                   : Dr. M. Aruna Kumari
Qualification        : M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D.,AP SET
Designation         : Lecturer

Teaching, learning and evaluation
• Lecture, discussion and various other methods form the backbone of the entire teaching process.
• This is further supplemented by various co-curricular and extracurricular activities such as student seminars, Guest lectures, Quiz competitions, Field visits, Group discussions, Etc.,
• Teaching is aided by various charts, Over head Projector (OHP) sheets, PPT presentations and models in order to make the students grasp the subject easily.
• The internet is used to maximum possible extent to add the teaching process.
• At the very beginning of each academic year the annual academic plans for prepared by the teaching staff.
• The syllabus is covered as per plan.
• Teaching diary and teaching notes are maintained by the faculty.
• Further, study material is a distributed to the students.
• Firm adherence to the academic plan is ensured and the progress is reviewed periodically.
• The department conducts Bridge classes to students who do not study Botany as a subject in their intermediate course.
• Slow learners in each class are identified and given remedial coaching.
• Curriculum feedback is taken from time to time and appropriate changes are made as per the student’s requirement.
• The students are given a list of reference books available in the college library that they can refer in order to enhance their understanding of various topics.
• The students are also encouraged to read the text books from the college library as well as the departmental library.
• They are encouraged to discuss the difficult topics with the staff members.
• The students are assigned study projects which they complete under the guidance of the faculty.
• Apart from clearing the doubts raised by the students in the class, doubt clarification session is a arranged after teaching hours.
• The slow learners are identified and they are encouraged to write assignments on the topics useful for the university examinations.
âΕΎ¢ Learning resources
• The department has a well maintained laboratory, furnished with all the equipment necessary for practicals.
• The department has got the regular equipment such as compound microscope, Dissection Microscopes, Bio-visual charts, Permanent slides, Museum specimens.etc.
• Apart from this, the department has also procured state-of-the-art equipment such as Binocular microscope, Projection microscope, Hot air oven, Autoclave, Inoculation Chamber, Centrifuge, pH meter.
• The department has its own library.
• The department also has its own OHP and an LCD projector.
• A computer with internet connection and a printer is also available with our department.
• Digital and virtual classrooms also utilized for teaching purposes.
• Lesson telecasts in MANA TV programs are used by the students.
• The evaluation and assessment is done through mid semester examinations practical and end semester examinations.
• Apart from these, slip tests, assignments are held immediately after the completion of a topic. This helps the students to get rid of their examination fear.
• Spectacular pass percentages achieved by the department during the past five years in the university examinations.
• The students have been performing it consistently well over the past five years.
Student activities
• Study projects: All the students are assigned study projects every year. The projects are based on a topic that has been taught in the class but related to the subject.
• The students are guided by the faculty and are encouraged to refer books in the library, browse the internet and consult anyone who they feel can enlighten them about this topic.
• This helps the students in gaining a deeper understanding of the subject. Also, this activity gives them experience in the research field which helps them in their future endeavors.
Some of the study project submitted by the students are given below:
• Medicinal uses of plants that is available in our locality.
• Plant Biodiversity in our college campus.
• Study project on mineral deficiency in plants.
• Study project on conservation of biodiversity.
• Study of commercial crops in our locality.
• Landscaping of our college campus.
• A study project on ecosystem of our locality.
• Ornamental plants and flowers.
• The study of pollen grains of various plants growing in our college campus.
Healthy practices
• Proficiency prizes: It is a common practice in our college to reward the meritorious students every year.
• The top scorers in the University examination are awarded certificates and cash prizes.

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