Dr. R.Venugopal
M.Sc., M.phil, Ph.D.,
The Institute is committed to achieve high standards of excellence in all its activities; in complete alignment with its vision and mission statements. The focus shall be on complete governance pertaining to student’s academic enrichment, holistic development through designed interventions, faculty research and academic progression and innovation through societal inclusiveness and an eye for developing society-conscious citizens.
The college attempts to imbibe in its students the quest for knowledge, research and freedom of expression. Students are encouraged to ask thought provoking questions and use analytical approach to solve various problems. Though the college does not have a direct control on designing of the curriculum, yet the faculties contribute in the formulation of syllabus by sharing the stakeholder’s feedback on curriculum in the meetings called by the University. Many of the faculties of the college are members of Faculty and Board of studies at university level who immensely contributed in the design and development of curriculum. Faculties are regularly updated about the latest teaching methodologies through the workshops and seminars organized regularly. Choice Based Credit System is adopted by the college as per university regulations. However, the college designs syllabus for Add-On course offered by the college, in consultation with the field experts. Along with the regular curriculum enrichment programs such as Soft-Skill training, Tally Program, Personality Development programs, Communicative English classes, Yoga classes, etc., are organized on a regular basis. The college prepares an Academic Calendar in line with the University Calendar every year, which is strictly followed to ensure regular and smooth functioning of the various academic processes.