
Accredited By NAAC With "A+" Grade

Affiliated to Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati

Peer Team Visit

Institutional Distinctiveness


Historically and traditionally, quality assurance organisations have had two functions

  • the enhancement of the quality of institutions and
  •  Programmes the accountability of the results of teaching and learning.

Keeping the two transcendental objectives the Motto, Vision and Mission of the college are framed as




“Hard work prevents impoverishment”

  Drawing inspiration from these ideals, our College has set  “KRISHI TO NASTHI DURBHIKSHAM”   “कृषितोनास्तिदुर्भिक्षम्” as it prime motto.


        To impart quality education to the predominantly rural and backward students, transform them into wise citizens with sound mind and excel physical strength with character and commitment towards social, cultural and ethical values.


  • To provide need based and skill oriented education to the students.
  • To expose the students to the latest knowledge through the use of ICT enabled Technology.
  • To instil the spirit of nationalism and secularism among the students.
  • To enhance competitive skills and talents.
  • To motivate students towards community service.
  • To promote ethical values and concern for environment.
  • To develop sportsman spirit through games and sports events.

The enhancement function is executed primarily in systems of high trust, whereas the accountability function is developed to prevent bad quality of institutions and programs, and thus to protect the beneficiaries i.e. students and society.

The college has 40 years of ever expertise in educational excellence. Offering over 8 courses in diverse disciplines to choose from, the institution offers the students a wealth of educational and career opportunities. The institution covers the entire spectrum of education right from its inception and gives to the students a unique all round perspective of the holistic education process, not just in terms of preparing competent professionals for the country, but also to provide a firm grounding in human values to prove as well rounded and conscientious citizens and leaders. It inculcates qualities in students such as a commitment to ethics, diversity, public interest and social justice. Fortunately, the teachers have been working in the institution time to time are ever dedicated and serious about the quality and want to create an own model institution which sets a bench mark for others.  The all departments in the college settle for nothing but the best in keeping improvement at all aspects every year. The college is focussed on constantly improving through innovation like

  • Achieving sports medals
  • Games
  • Academic goals 

It is a pride to the institution that having teachers knowing their goals and perceiving the true needs of the students. Students of the institution also get admission into the college to learn from the teachers for the same objective. Teachers know the concept of the students need.  Students also for the same need.  Both the means and ends are extremely esoteric and exoteric. True relation between teacher and student of the institution is distinct as such as to present and achieve respectively. The unique quality of the college is primarily that the expecting from the student and facilitating feature of the teacher is the same.  

  • Lecturers of the college are dedicated to the mission
  • The students are determined to the vision  of the institution

Teachers are with the qualities:

  • Well qualified
  • Dedicated and venerable
  • Well trained
  • Accustomed with the vision and the  mission

As the college is Government Institution, all the teaching and non teaching faculty are transferred to other Government colleges for every five years. Nevertheless, it is fortunate that the faculty who ever come and whenever come to the college either on transfer or promotion do definitely accustom themselves to the environment of tradition in terms of dedication of the college.

It is the unique quality that it has no slur (blemish less) from the teacher community and from the student community for the last forty years of its noble and able service to the society. Undoubtedly, it is the main distinctiveness of the institution.

Bilingual students are given much preference to admission into English Medium

Students are with the features of:

  • Humility
  • Modesty and honesty
  • Determined to the vision

Even the students are hailed from this rural area they learn much education in terms of internal discipline such as character.

The students give effulgence to the college by expressing that themselves are the students of this college with pride and confidence.

The best teacher is experience in this college. The best student is good attempt.  The best medicine of the teacher is laugh. The best book is life towards career oriented and value oriented.  The best sport is duty. The best weapon is patience that both side edges. The best dress uniform is smile of teacher and student. The best food is thought. The best shelter is truth and the best relation between the teacher and the student of this institution is love.

Om sahanaavavathu – sahanoubhunakthu

Sahaveeryam – karavaavahai



The purport of this divine scripture is :

Let us live together – Let us rejoice together

Let us acquire knowledge together

Let our education become dynamic

Let hatred do not divide us

Truly following these words esoterically and exoterically by the teachers and the students is the distinctiveness and unique feature of this educational institution.

                        Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi